Wedding Celebrant Sarah Hatjipavlis

As travel restrictions begin to be lifted, there are many couples who will be going ahead with their plans of having a destination wedding in Greece. Civil ceremony, religious ceremony or symbolic ceremony are the options available to any couple choosing Greece for their special day. So why choose a celebrant to officiate your destination wedding in Greece?

Wedding Celebrant Sarah Hatjipavlis

Types of wedding ceremony in Greece.

A civil wedding ceremony with all the official marriage paperwork submitted at the appropriate time, can only be officiated by the local registrar/Mayor, or their representative.,certificate%20can%20take%20several%20weeks.

A religious wedding ceremony with all the official marriage paperwork submitted at the appropriate time, can only be officiated by the local priest.

A symbolic wedding ceremony, with no official marriage paperwork at all, can be officiated either by the local registrar or by a celebrant, like me!

Wedding Celebrant Sarah Hatjipavlis

A fab ceremony at the Sheraton Rhodes Resort. Photo credit Manes Wedding Photographer

Which wedding ceremony to choose?

There are many couples who really feel that they must have their official marriage paperwork done in Greece. Often, they are not aware, that they will not sign anything official at their *ceremony, but will have a 2nd ceremony, at the local town hall where they will sign the documentation.

TOP TIP *An official civil ceremony can only take place at a recognised venue, such as the local town hall, with a few exceptions.

My point is that you can do the official marriage paperwork at your local registry office before or after travel. Then celebrate that marriage with an amazing wedding ceremony in Greece, with no worrisome, stressful paperwork at all.

We live in an uncertain world with constantly changing travel restrictions. I would think that many couples will be looking at having a celebrant led ceremony in Greece rather than the civil version.

Wedding Celebrant Sarah Hatjipavlis

Why choose a celebrant to officiate your destination wedding ceremony in Greece?

  • You can have your ceremony almost anywhere. At your hotel, in the gardens of your holiday villa, at your favourite restaurant, on the beach, on a yacht, at a winery. I really could go on and on.
  • You can include elements of your faith, religious readings, contemporary readings. It is your ceremony, so it is your choice.
  • You can make last minute plans for your intimate ceremony in Greece. A celebrant led ceremony is a wonderful choice for an intimate elopement ceremony. Who cares that the official paperwork isn’t done in Greece! The ceremony will be filled with emotion and love, fun and romance. A celebrant really is key to having such a heartfelt moving personal ceremony.
  • You can hold your ceremony at any time of day and the duration can be as long or as short as you like. How about a sunrise ceremony, followed by an intimate wedding breakfast? Sounds perfect right?
  • Symbolic rituals, family traditions, all can take centre stage when you are planning a celebrant led ceremony in Greece.
  • No generic scripts, you can exchange your rings and vows however you like.

So, before you ask me ‘Will the ceremony be real? Will it feel symbolic?’

The answer is that your ceremony IS REAL. It is your wedding ceremony. The ceremony to celebrate your marriage!  It can be as classic or as non- traditional as you like!

If you would like to learn more about celebrant led weddings in Greece and are considering a celebrant to officiate your wedding, contact me by email

Sarah Hatjipavlis-Grecian Ceremonies-Celebrant in Greece
